What makes a country an independent entity? The definition is easy to find, but can confuse the simple of politicians. The problem these day for the United States of America is that we are slowly losing our sovereignty to the rest of the world thanks to our political leaders in Washington DC. Both houses of Congress as well as the current administration don’t care about the condition of this country since they write laws they themselves will never have to follow even if they lose their next election.
Like most of the people here in America, they have their history which comes from another country. My family came here in the early 1900’s from Germany (Deutschland) and Ireland. From the time they arrived, they wanted to be citizens and learn English so to “fit” in. Something my grandparents wanted to do along with becoming American citizens.
According to the Constitution, the federal level of the government is responsible for monitoring the immigrants wanting to come here legally and to stop the illegal ones from getting in. It’s a matter of national security that we have secured borders from invasion or any plots that will harm the nation in any way. It’s gotten to the point to where the politicians don’t even care. We are currently having thousands of illegal immigrants children rushing the southern border and the border patrol agents are informed to assist and help instead of arresting and detaining them. Reports have come out stating the agents aren’t even able to do their jobs since they are too busy running after kids. and finding temporary homes (in America) for them to stay in.
With the federal government doing this without any regard to the citizens is ridiculous. Congress is trying to pass a bill to help fund all the placements of these children instead of sending them back from where they came from. The Obama Administration is asking for even more money than Congress is trying to pass. Meanwhile this country is $17 trillion+ in debt and now we’re going to spend more money on people who aren’t even citizens. How are we as a nation to survive? As it is, Congress and the White House can’t even pass a bill to fund securing the borders.
Radio show host Michael Savage coined the phase of language, border and culture is what defines a country and keeps it going. America doesn’t even have an official language, our borders have been blurred and as for our culture, we’re slowly losing any sign of that too. At the current pace, we will no longer be the United States of America in the near future. Please write your Congressman and House Representative to stop the madness. We as citizens have a duty to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic and that includes our politicians.