The era of Barack Obama’s rule is coming to an end. Just a week ago, on January 11, the head of the White House made a farewell speech. In a message on Twitter, the head of state thanked the Americans for everything and asked them: “Believe not only in my ability to create change, but also in your own.” And today, January 20, the inauguration of the new President of the United States, which is Republican Donald Trump, will take place. In the meantime, we recall all the main events that Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, remembered in his post.
Same sex marriage
Barack Obama supported the idea of legalizing same-sex marriage. At the beginning of his reign, the head of the White House said that he still doubted his position on the issue of same-sex marriage. Obama believed that a civil union was enough. Later, the US president said that all couples, even same-sex couples, should be able to legitimize their relationship. Equality for the LGBT community was later strengthened when Barak allowed gay soldiers to serve in the military. It should be noted that not everyone shared this position of the president.
Health care reform
This is one of Obama’s most high-profile reforms. In 2010, the US President signed a package of reforms to the national health care system. He specifically noted that he did it on behalf of his mother. “As a cancer patient, she fought insurance companies for the rest of her life,” Barak said.
According to the document that regulated the US health care system, insurance companies did not have the right to deny insurance to sick people, could not deny a policy to sick children, parents could enter children under 26 years of age into insurance.
For the first time in many years, the rules of the game have changed in the American medical insurance market. The requirements for companies were tightened, the list of services that became available to citizens was expanded. Reform spending was estimated at $ 940 billion over ten years.
House’s patient
During the years of Obama’s rule, manufacturers of toys and souvenirs have produced many dolls, the prototype of which was the US President. Including there was a doll that could be cut with scissors, and various clothes were even attached to it.
In addition, Barack became a character in two episodes of the phantasmagoric adult animated series South Park on Comedy Central.
And some even saw Obama as Dr. House’s patient in the cult series. In the story, a black senator is nominated for the presidency and ends up in the hospital.
Nobel Prize
In 2009, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for his enormous efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among nations.” In monetary terms, in 2009 the premium was 10 million Swedish kronor (approximately 970 thousand euros).
The Norwegian Nobel Committee said in a statement that Obama’s diplomacy is based on the concept that the people who are supposed to rule the world should do so based on the values and attitudes shared by the majority of the world’s population.
Dmitry Medvedev, who served as President of Russia in 2009, congratulated his colleague on receiving the Nobel Prize.

Caring grandson
The President of the United States has shown himself to be a loving grandson who is very kind to his grandmother. When she fell ill, Obama canceled two campaign rallies and flew to her on the next flight. However, the Republicans did not believe in the sincerity of Barack’s act. They said that the flight to their grandmother in Hawaii was nothing more than a deliberate PR move.
Obama, by the way, has repeatedly stated that he is very attached to his grandmother. “She raised him from birth until the very moment he went to college,” said then assistant Democratic leader Robert Gibbs.
Visit to Hiroshima
At the end of May 2016, Obama made a gesture that will surely go down (has already gone down) in history. This was reported by the media around the world. The President of America visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Barak became the first US president to visit Hiroshima after the 1945 atomic bombings.
Obama hugged a Hiroshima resident who survived the bombing. There, during the ceremony, he called on everyone to live in harmony and renounce nuclear weapons.
Limiting nuclear weapons is one of the most important directions of the US President’s foreign policy.
The assassination of Osama bin Laden
Experts call the assassination of the organizer of the September 11 attacks one of the most significant achievements of Obama in foreign policy. Osama bin Laden was shot dead by US Navy commandos in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. The country’s government then remained dissatisfied with the actions of the United States on its territory, in addition, many details of the elimination of the terrorist remained unknown.
War in Iraq and Afghanistan
When Obama came to power, he promised to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he could not fully fulfill the promise. The campaign in Afghanistan officially ended in 2014, but at that time there were about ten thousand US army soldiers in the country.
The end of the war in Iraq was announced in 2011. Then America withdrew its troops. But they left their military in the country to guard the embassy in Baghdad. Only in 2014, 3,500 American troops were sent to Iraq to fight ISIS as military advisers.