Today is January 1, 2012. This is the year that we try to take America back from the brink of disaster. The president, his administration and pretty much the entire Congress has changed the face of this country. Of course it’s what Barack Obama has been saying since his campaign trail in 2008. He said and I quote, “we are going to fundamentally transform America”. When those words were spoken nearly four years ago, I had chills down my spin, we are now only eleven months away from removing him from office or falling asleep and letting the liberals and the progressives put him back in the White House for another four years. If that happens, this country will never recover.
So what is it that we can do to assure the removal of Obama from office? We need to do several things to get it done.
We need to get the truth out without getting personal. When people discuss politics, most times it will get personal. Politics has a way of doing that even with the closest of friends. Stick to the facts, don’t let the other person turn the conversation into a name-calling type of discussion. Sticking to the facts will keep it in line. If the liberal, progressive or an independent starts to veer off the topic, just stay the course and the facts.
Talk to people who are not really into politics or don’t follow it. With the way things are with the economy, I doubt you’ll run into anyone like that, but don’t be surprised if you do. Instead ask them questions as to the state of their finances and the immediate world around them. Unless they’re living in a cave, they will see the points your making and see that the present federal government isn’t doing what they need to do for this country.
Ask them about the Constitution. It’s still amazes me to see how many people haven’t read the founding documents of this country. You will see that people will tell you that they’ve read it, but if you question them, you will see their knowledge is limited. Don’t come across as arrogant, it won’t get you too far. people will tune you out if they feel that you are a know-it-all or if you act arrogant. Talk about particular issues currently going on that the government has no constitutional authority to do it. If you happen to run into someone that uses the Constitution to debate you, make sure you don’t let them use the Commerce clause as the end-all to everything in modern times. Remember, the federal government has no authority to force any citizen to buy a product. ObamaCare is unconstitutional. If the person tries to say something in regards to Romneycare in Massachusetts, tell them about the tenth amendment. The States have the right to enact their own universal healthcare, but the federal government doesn’t.
We need to show the Administration’s mistakes. Obama has made so many, that it shouldn’t be difficult for you to point them out without attacking the president or his administration. Obama has made a few, but we need to stick to his staff who has advised him during the past three years. His involvement with the Solyndra scandal is just one of the many he is surrounded by with his administration. What about the Fast and Furious issue which caused the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry? Eric Holder is refusing to admit his incompetence to know what his agency is doing. It’s now gotten to the point that he can’t even come up with any more excuses that he started playing the “Race Card” last week to the review board. If you needed a few more to dicuss, there’s the GM bailout and Light Squared. If that isn’t enough, you can look at this list of Obama scandals to help you on your quest to save America.
To make matters worse, the list of candidates for the GOP nomination is very thin. I don’t see any real candidate saving this country except for Ron Paul who happens to be a Libertarian. That subject is for another time in the coming days. Stay tuned and until then, I hope these pointers will help you when talking to an Obama supporter.